Game for 4 Players
The school holidays are just around the corner!
Many families will be travelling and experiencing new activities and some old favourites! Or perhaps you are planning a “Staycation” with your family?
Either way this is fantastic family time! With so many new games to play, don’t forget how fun the traditional card game can be.They are easy to carry and easy to teach a variety of card games including Snap! Go Fish! Or even Euchre, (check out this link if you can’t quite remember how to play it)
Crown & Andrews Test Match Card Game
Enjoy authentic cricket fun with this compact card and dice game. Take turns batting, bowling, and rolling to see who can score the most runs from two quick innings. Fun and easy to play with just the right amount of strategy and surprise for cricket fans of all ages.
- 48 Stroke Cards
- 25 Bowl Cards
- 25 Fielding Cards
- 12 Team Batter Cards
- 2 Fielding Dice
- 1 Umpire Dice
- Decision Box Divider
- Score Pad
- Rules
2 - 4 players
Suitable for
Ages 7+
Of course Grandpas Toys have many more fun family games for the whole family to enjoy available in store on online;