Educational Toys
Toys for kids that lasts for generations
Over time it has become apparent that major toy manufacturers have invested in their creative teams to create toys that are not only fun to play with but have an element of learning - some are obvious while others are subtle.
Many of our products do have an educational element to them, and some of our toys are just for fun! This is one of the many benefits of being an independently owned toy shop.
There are some toy manufacturers that consistently deliver quality toys that have lasted generation after generation. Their styles may have changed but the underlying theme remains the same.
Our generation is world renown for quality beautiful “Our generation dolls” and now they have diversified into creating storylines that children can relate to. Including magnificent dolls houses, homes and gardens, and Hospital themes. Not only will your children love creating these themes, but the quality is also so good that they can be passed from generation to generation.
Hape, (“hah-pay”), was founded by Peter Handstein of Germany in 1986 and has now become a world leader in designing and manufacturing high-quality baby and children’s wooden toys made from sustainable materials. Hape's toys are created to inspire play, learning, and exploration of the world we live in. Each product is developed to enhance a child’s social, sensory, physical, and emotional skills.
These are just two of the many educational brands that we love to stock. Make sure when browsing for an educational gift for your child that books are our No.1 seller!
Yes, books! The reason behind we sell so many books is that the books are from New Zealand Authors and illustrators. Many of the children's books feature day to day New Zealand life and New Zealand stories. These are stories our children can relate to, and thereby creating incredible engagement from children.