Hallmark Keepsake 2023 - The Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Long after the fall of the Republic, a Naboo N-1 Starfighter remains as a relic from a simpler time. This Christmas tree ornament features the iconic ship from "Star Wars: The Mandalorian," which Peli Motto helped Din Djarin modify into a truly one-of-a-kind, off-the-grid combination of speed, precision and style. With unparalleled artistry and exceptional detail, Hallmark Keepsake Christmas ornaments are perfect for preserving precious memories, commemorating special milestones and celebrating individual hobbies and interests.
Artist crafted by Robert Hurlburt. Plastic Christmas tree ornament.
Includes: One 2023 Keepsake Ornament in gift box for easy gift giving, preservation and storage.
Size Approx.: 3.45 x 0.88 x 5.71
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